Nespresso Aeroccino 3
The Type Of Milk That Can Ruin Your Nespresso Aeroccino Milk Frother
By Javaria Akbar
A Nespresso Aeroccino milk frother is designed to make hot or cold foam using a whisk. However, users should avoid using pre-sweetened milk and alternative milk with sugar.
Per Nespresso, you should not use any milk blended with sugar, as the heating element at the Aeroccino’s base could cause the sweetener to caramelize and burn.
Never add your own sugar or syrups before frothing, either. As Nespresso says, "You can add sugar or sweeteners to your coffee or beverage separately after frothing the milk."
Sweeteners can also build up on the surface of the heating element, causing an unpleasant odor and hampering the ability of your frother to aerate milk effectively.