Christmas vanilla sheet cake with whipped buttercream frosting garnished with sprinkles in baking dish with cake shovel on dark wooden table, vertical view
Food - Drink
The Trick For Removing Sheet Cake From Its Pan Without Disaster
Sheet cakes are incredibly easy to make, but removing them from the pan itself can be finicky, as they tend to stick to the tray or fall out in jagged pieces instead of one smooth and consistent sheet. Luckily, there’s a simple trick you can use to get your sheet cake off the tray in one piece, and it doesn't even require any kitchen gadgets.
The best way to get your sheet cake out of the pan is to flip the tray over and onto a wire rack, which will let air circulate around the cooling cake and provide the dessert with a flat, even base of support so it can unstick itself from the pan. The catch is that you need to use a wire rack that matches or is bigger than the size of your cake.
If you use a wire rack that’s too small, your warm cake will droop off the sides and potentially break into pieces. If you don’t have a suitable wire rack handy, try flipping your cake over onto another large sheet tray or a cutting board; although they won’t help with airflow, these flat surfaces will create a similar effect of stable support.