Japanese Soy Sauce Ramen, Tokyo Ramen
The Taiwanese Ramen Dish That Gives Serious Godzilla Vibes
Located in southern Taiwan, Witch Cat Kwai has a reputation for serving up hearty bowls of noodles with the inclusion of a small crocodile arm garnishing the bowl.
To make the dish, the owner of Witch Cat Kwai, whose last name is Chien, sources crocodiles from a farm in Taitung, a city along Taiwan's southeastern coast.
Chien describes the taste of crocodiles to CNN Travel as tasting similar to chicken but with a softer, chewier texture. "I think it tastes like braised chicken feet," he said.
To prepare the crocodile, the leg is cleaned, rubbed with alcohol, coated in spices, and then left to cook in a broth of over 40 different ingredients for several hours.
To finish the specially prepared order, the front leg of a crocodile is placed into the bowl with claws outstretched over the edge of the dish.
Since preparing crocodile legs for these custom orders takes time, only two bowls, which cost around $50 a piece, are made each day, and orders must be placed in advance.