Stack of Buttermilk Biscuits on white background.
Food - Drink
The Ratio Rule To Keep In Mind For Tender Biscuits
Whether you like your biscuits fluffy and soft or dense and crumbly, the time-consuming and involved process of making them is always worth it. However, biscuit baking doesn’t have to be as difficult as you may think, especially if you pay attention to one ingredient that needs to be used in the right ratios: fat.
For a soft and tender biscuit, The Washington Post says the fat-to-water ratio in your dough should be "more fat and less moisture." Some chefs, like Tom Douglas of Serious Biscuits, use lots of butter to add fat to their dough, while King Arthur Flour points out that buttermilk, half and half, or milk can be fatty enough to skip the butter.
No matter which fat you choose, you remember that some ingredients have more water or fat than others. To make sure you add more fat than moisture to your dough, resulting in soft, fluffy biscuits, familiarize yourself with the makeup of the butter, milk, lard, or other products you use, and don't add too many watery ingredients.