Healthy breakfast of oatmeal with berries. Top view.
Food - Drink
The Quick Trick For Fruity Oatmeal Without Any Prep
Those looking for a healthy breakfast option often gravitate towards oatmeal with fruit, but it can take some time to prepare this seemingly simple dish. Rather than waiting hours to make overnight oats or resorting to sugary instant oats, try upgrading your oatmeal with these types of convenient fruit products.
The secret to fruity oatmeal with less prep work is to use frozen fruit or dried fruit. Already washed, peeled, sliced, and treated so they can be stored for months, frozen fruit only needs to be put on top of oatmeal and microwaved for a quick and easy breakfast, while dried fruit can be added directly to the oats with no preamble.
Frozen fruits with the best nutritional value include cherries, papaya, mango, bananas, and berries. Not only are these full of vitamins like C and B, fiber, and antioxidants, but frozen fruit often has either equal or more nutritional benefits than fresh fruit. As for dried fruits, make sure to buy products with no added sugar.