Zapiekanka sandwich with ketchup drizzle
The Polish Open-Faced Sandwich Featuring Savory Mushrooms
Zapiekankas are Polish open-faced sandwiches that feature a slew of unconventional yet tasty ingredients. The name comes from the Polish word "zapiekać," meaning "to bake."
These unique sandwiches consist of quartered and sliced French baguettes filled with savory sautéed mushrooms, grated cheese, and aromatic veggies like garlic and onion.
Once assembled, a zapiekanka is quickly baked to melt the cheese, crisp up the ham, and toast the bread. To finish it off, the sandwich is drizzled with Polish ketchup.
Zapiekankas are sold in a variety of global flavors. Some vendors sell Italian-influenced versions similar to French bread pizza, with marinara, mozzarella, and mushrooms.
You can get as creative as you like when making zapiekankas at home. Try sliced deli meats and cheeses for a more conventional sandwich, or kielbasa for an extra Polish touch.