Beef Stroganoff with mushroom in iron pan. selective focus. (Photo by: Zoryana Ivchenko/REDA&CO/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
Food - Drink
The Overlooked Nut That Will Thicken Up Sauces
Nuts are a pantry staple known for their versatility, not only when used alone in baking and cooking, but when made into butters, milk alternatives, non-dairy products, and more. Beyond peanuts and pecans, there's a lesser-known nut with a unique taste that can even be used as a thickening agent for sauces and stews.
Candlenuts, AKA kukui nuts, are soft, oil-saturated seeds found inside a hard-shelled nut, used extensively in Indonesian cooking. The high oil content of ground candlenuts can thicken gravies in stews and can even make sauces creamier, though this nut should be used in smaller amounts due to its bitter and intense flavor.
It’s important to note that candlenuts are toxic if consumed raw, and must be roasted or pan-fried to make them safe to eat, but the extra work of roasting, pounding, and mixing them with spices to make a flavorful paste is definitely worth it. You can find candlenuts at your local Asian grocery store or online.