LONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 22:  Queen Elizabeth II awaits the arrival of  Turkey's President Abdullah Gul and his wife Hayrunnisa Gul at an offical welcoming ceremony on November 22, 2011 in London, England. The President of Turkey is on a five day State visit to the UK.  (Photo by Paul Hackett - WPA Pool/Getty Images)
Food - Drink
The Only Fully British Chocolate Bar To Exist Was Eaten By Queen Elizabeth
Queen Elizabeth II loved chocolate, and though England is home to some famous chocolatiers, none can claim to use exclusively domestic ingredients, nor do any produce a 100% British chocolate bar. However, confectioner Rowntree pulled off a small miracle at one time by managing to grow cacao beans in the country.
In 1932, Rowntree factory workers who had been experimenting with growing pineapple plants in a hothouse decided to try planting a cacao tree. The tree grew successfully, but it produced only one cacao pod that had just enough seeds to make a tiny chocolate bar, and naturally, the bar went to one of England's most beloved figures.
The rare chocolate bar was given to the King's daughter, Elizabeth, who at the time was titled Princess Elizabeth of York. She consumed possibly the rarest chocolate the world has ever seen, being the only 100% British chocolate to ever exist — perhaps this could be why the queen had such an affinity for the sweet treat.