Traditional German Christmas sweets called 'Marzipankartoffeln'. Round ball shaped almond paste pieces covered in cinnamon and cocoa powder spilling out of iron cup on dark background
Food - Drink
The Mysterious Origins Of Irish Potato Candy
From spotted dick and black pudding to pork butt, sweetbread, and even white chocolate, names can be misleading, particularly in the world of food. One more misleading food to add to the list is Irish potato candy, which is neither Irish nor made of potato, but rather has mysterious origins in Philadelphia.
Irish potato candy is actually a mix of cream cheese, butter, sugar, and coconut, which is then rolled into potato-shaped balls and coated in ground cinnamon. Contrary to what its name might suggest, the candy was invented sometime during the 19th century in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, although it is believed that an Irish immigrant was the candy’s creator.
Although no single person has been credited with inventing the delicacy, we do know that Casani Candy was the first company to sell and distribute the candy wholesale, and was doing so by 1865. Today there are many Philadelphia candy stores selling the candy, with different variations on the market, some incorporating pine nuts and others nixing the cream cheese.