Raw uncooked clams vongole shells shellfish with ingredients for cooking coriandr, beer and lime in cooper bowl on gray background.
Food - Drink
The More Affordable Seafood Alternative To Fresh Clams
While fresh clams have a delicious briny flavor that’s delightful for the tastebuds, they aren’t nearly as delightful for the wallet. Limited supply combined with high consumer demand has caused the price of fresh clams to skyrocket, but fortunately, there is a cheaper alternative for when you want your seafood fix.
Consider buying fresh mussels as a stand-in for clams, since they typically sell for a fraction of the price and most closely resemble clams in both texture and flavor. Additionally, the cooking process with mussels is basically the same as clams, as mussel shells pop open themselves once they're exposed to enough heat.
Mussels are also even healthier than clams, abundant in brain-friendly omega-3 fatty acids, and are also very sustainable. They reproduce rapidly, making it easy to keep up with demand, and their necessary aquaculture doesn't require any fertilizer or feed, which makes them both more affordable and better for the environment.