Food - Drink
The Mistake You’ve Been Making With Miso Soup
For health-conscious individuals looking to incorporate more probiotics into their diets, miso soup is a great option thanks to its deliciousness, ease of preparation, and the beneficial fungus Aspergillus oryzae (AKA koji) found in miso paste. However, there’s one thing you should never do if you want to preserve the miso's flavor and nutrition.
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Miso soup should never be boiled, or at least not after the miso is added, since high heat degrades the live koji cultures in the miso paste and also damages its nuanced flavors. To add miso paste to hot water or stock, take the pot off the heat first, then whisk in the miso gently to keep its rich texture and aroma intact.
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Not only does keeping miso soup at a simmer allow the miso paste to slowly heat up and dissolve without losing any of its nutritional benefits, but it also benefits other ingredients in the soup. You can ensure that tofu remains silky and tender (it can toughen as it boils), and the seaweed stays plump instead of turning coarse.
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