Four kebabs against a black background.
The Kebab Assembly Tip For Super Juicy Results
Kebabs are great for those of us who love to customize and serve aesthetically pleasing party food, but if you want them to actually taste amazing, proper assembly is key.
Avoid dry, overcooked meat by picking the right cut. Marbled beef ribeye or pork belly will produce juicier results, since they have plenty of fat and won't dry out over high heat.
Brining or marinating the meat can also prevent dry and rubbery kebabs. As for keeping your other ingredients nice and moist, it's all about balance and composition.
When threading your chopped ingredients onto skewers, you should avoid leaving wide gaps between pieces, but packing them too close to each other will lead to uneven cooking.
It's best to thread pieces of meat and vegetables just close enough to touch, so that the ingredients' juices will work together to keep everything moist during cooking.
Different ingredients also cook at different rates, so try grouping items with similar sizes and densities onto the same skewer.
For instance, thinly-sliced beef will cook at roughly the same speed as a piece of pepper, whereas a thick cube of pork is better paired with an equally thick onion wedge.
It's best to cook kebabs over partially indirect and partially direct heat to prevent too much moisture loss, and use a meat thermometer to know for sure when the skewers are done.