Juicy meat pot pie in a ceramic oven pot, beef stew pie with puff pastry
Food - Drink
The Ideal Beef Cuts For The Ultimate Pot Pie
You can't just use any cut of meat to make a great beef pot pie. For a pie full of rich flavor with tender meat that practically falls apart, you need to start using chuck roast.
Think of your beef pot pie like beef stew inside a pastry crust; the chuck roast needs to slow-cook so that the connective tissue and tough fibers cook down and become tender.
To do so, cut the chuck roast into cubes or chunks and sear the outside until brown, then add onion, garlic, herbs, and whatever other vegetables your recipe calls for.
The stew should be fully cooked when it goes into the pie shell, and (depending on your oven temperature) should take about 30 minutes to get brown and flaky.
When it’s finished, the cooked chuck roast should be able to be shredded with the touch of a fork and will have imparted its rich taste to the entire filling.