Man's hand pouring coffee liquor into a glass with ice. White Russian cocktail preparation
The Distinction Between Highball And Lowball Drinks
Drinks are paired with highball and lowball glasses based on functionality. They each have a different effect on the drink’s flavor, preparation, and how it is consumed.
Highball glasses are tall and thin, holding between 10 to 14 ounces. They hold cocktails that consist of a spirit, one or more mixers, and ice.
Meanwhile, lowball glasses are short and wide, with just enough room for 4 to 8 ounces of liquid and contain cocktails with liquor, liqueurs, mixers, and spirits on the rocks.
Highball glasses are the preferred receptacle for cocktails with a higher ratio of mixer to spirit. They are great for carbonated drinks since they keep the soda bubbly.
The most popular highball drinks include rum and coke (Cuba libre), vodka and orange juice (screwdriver), vodka or gin and tonic, and ranch water (tequila and soda).
With a design meant to showcase high-end liquors and intricate cocktails, lowball glasses are more versatile. Their wide brim and short stature bring out a complex flavor profile.
Apart from neat pours and spirits on the rocks, cocktails served in lowball glasses include the Old Fashioned, Sazerac, Negroni, White Russian, Manhattan, and Gin Smash.