Fried chicken wings with lemon wedges
Food - Drink
The Clever Dehydrator Trick For Game-Changing Flavor In Fried Chicken
There are many ways to improve fried chicken, but the chefs of New York City's Root & Bone restaurant, Jeff McInnis and Janine Booth, say their secret ingredient is dehydrated lemon.
Dried lemons can be ground into a powder to add some zing to your fried chicken. Lemon naturally cuts through greasy foods, giving a pleasant contrast in flavors and sensations.
Lemon slices can be dried in a food dehydrator, an oven, or even in the sun. Alternatively, the peel can be dehydrated the same way with just as much lemon flavor.
Like sprinkling salt on chicken as it’s removed from a fryer or oven, the same can be done with dehydrated lemon powder. A little salt can be mixed with the lemon if desired.
The dehydrated lemon powder can also liven up roasted potatoes, creamed spinach, fish, and shellfish, or be used in baked goods, sauces, soups, and even butter.