Loaf of sliced banana bread topped with nuts
Sour Cream Is The Secret Ingredient You Should Use For Fluffy Banana Bread
To make spongy, fluffy banana bread without using complicated techniques or adding extra steps, you should incorporate sour cream in your batter.
While it may sound strange, sour cream can enhance the texture of your banana bread, making it moist and spongy while improving the taste with its slight tang.
Sour cream is a phenomenal ingredient compared to alternatives like Greek yogurt, thanks to its higher fat content, which makes the resulting bread more tender and fluffy.
Simply add the sour cream to your wet ingredients, and then combine the wet and dry ingredients. You’ll notice the batter is more stretchy and easier to work with.
If you’re out of sour cream, you can achieve a similar effect with high-fat alternatives like full-fat Greek yogurt, buttermilk, cream cheese, créme fraîche, or cottage cheese.