Grilled white onions
Roast Onions For A Tasty Addition To Almost Any Meal
Roasting onions mellows them out while also making their flavor more complex, and you'd be surprised to find that roasted onions alone make a delicious side dish.
To roast onions, set your oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit, slice up your onions thinly or thickly, season them lightly with salt, and space them out evenly on a baking pan.
Make sure there’s room between the pieces so they can brown fully, and check on the onions regularly as they roast and toss the pan around if they're browning too quickly.
Once the onions are lightly browned and starting to char on the edges, they're done. They'll have a sweeter taste with a far more tender texture than lightly-cooked onions.
Roasted onions are a great partner for meat and potato dishes, and can take the place of raw onions as a garnish. They're also delicious on crackers with a little cheese.