Photo taken 07 September 2004 in Vittel, showing the Nestle Waters logo, during the inauguration of the Product Technology Centre, the first Nestle research centre dedicated to the water. AFP PHOTO JEAN-CHRISTOPHE VERHAEGEN (Photo by JEAN-CHRISTOPHE VERHAEGEN / AFP) (Photo by JEAN-CHRISTOPHE VERHAEGEN/AFP via Getty Images)
Food - Drink
Nestlé Plans To Spend $42 Million Creating 'Culinary Hubs' In Ukraine
Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began, Nestlé Global has shown support for its many Ukraine-based employees and citizens. On December 12, 2022, the corporation announced plans to aid in remedying the country's food insecurity, and as of March 2023, Nestlé is working on its first "culinary hub" facility in Ukraine.
Nestlé plans to invest $42.88 million to build a food production facility in Smolyhiv in the Volyn region. The company has not provided a timeline for the new location's opening, but specifies the facility will make instant foods, soups, sauces, and seasonings to be distributed in Ukraine and other European countries, per Reuters.
Nestlé has provided over 4,000 metric tons of products to Ukrainians who have fled the country and as well as those who remain in the war-torn nation. Nestlé also currently employs 5,800 Ukrainian workers, and the number is set to increase by 1,500 as the building of this culinary hub, and possibly others, continues to advance.