When making pastries, you'll need to roll out the dough and fold it back together a few times. In between the roll outs, put the dough back in the fridge.
This ensures the butter doesn't melt while resting. When done correctly, when it reaches the oven, steam rises from the melting butter and lifts the layers apart.
Decorating before a cake has properly cooled can risk its final appearance. If you can't wait, use decorations like chocolate glaze or fresh fruit if they've been chilled.
Choux pastry is ideal for cream puffs, beignets, eclairs, and savory dishes, while short crust pastry is used for various dishes including sweet fruit pies and quiches.
Depending on the dough's size (and whether it has ingredients affecting its recipe), it can take between 1 1/2 hours to 3 hours when proving at warm temperatures.