Meat on the spit or asado in the stake.  Grill on the coals. Traditional Argentine barbecue.
Food - Drink
How Traditional Argentinean Asado Grilling Differs From Other Styles
In Argentina, "asado" refers to both a specific preparation of meat and the event where the meat is consumed; one can expect uniquely huge quantities of food and hours of entertainment. A unique feature of this meat-centric meal is that the details really matter, including the kind of table used for serving, the wood used for cooking, and the use of a special grill called a parilla.
The parilla is a large metal grill that allows the asador — the grillmaster — to easily rearrange the coals according to the various qualities and cook times of different cuts of meat. Depending on the location, the grill can use different sources of heat, such as arilla al carbón, or coal grill, for city cooking, or con leña, a countryside style that uses wood instead.
Made popular abroad by chef Francis Mallmann, the asado marks the highlight of the week for many Argentinians, and friends and family alternate hosting duties for the occasion. If you find yourself invited to one of these events, be prepared to accompany your cook to the butcher's before enjoying a night filled with wine, fernet, and an overwhelming amount of meat.