Spooning lemon curd from a jar
How To Use Your Microwave To Make Lemon Curd
Making lemon curd yourself at home is surprisingly fast and easy. You only need a microwave and a few affordable ingredients like lemons, sugar, eggs, and butter.
While the old-fashioned technique involves constantly stirring, the microwave method only requires you to stir every 30 seconds, and there's no danger of scalding.
Some recipes blend all the ingredients at once, but using tempered eggs will keep them from scrambling in the hot liquid. Just use a large bowl to keep it from bubbling over.
One trick is to heat the melted butter, sugar, and lemon juice in a separate bowl, then stir the hot mix into the eggs a little bit at a time so they absorb the heat more slowly.
Another technique is to whisk the sugar into the eggs before adding the lemon juice to protect them from being cooked by the acid. Then, it's time to microwave the mix.
Microwave for 30-second intervals, stirring after each one until it coats the spoon's back. Strain any zest or egg and tightly press plastic wrap on the surface to prevent foam.