How To Know When It's Time To Replace Your Keurig Coffee Maker
Keurigs are an easy and reliable appliance for making coffee, but they don't last forever. There are some signs to look for that might indicate it's time to replace your machine.
The most obvious sign is the coffee brewing process taking longer than usual. If it takes five or more minutes to fill your cup, it could mean some Keurig components are worn out.
Another sign is your coffee being less warm or hot than it should be, even when using the highest brewing setting. The flavor of your coffee can also serve as a clue.
If you consistently find that your coffee tastes weak and watery, or if your Keurig is prone to leaking, it's best that you look into getting a replacement.
You can fix some issues yourself, such as descaling the machine for a clogged water line, but for more difficult issues, it may be best to just get a replacement Keurig.