Orange juice being poured into a glass
Food - Drink
How Orange Juice Can Improve A Cheap Cup Of Coffee
Work trips, vacations, and quick weekend jaunts with loved ones can really change how and where you enjoy your morning or afternoon cup of coffee. If you end up with a cup that's not up to your standards, you may want to reach for a bottle of orange juice to spruce up your coffee, even the instant or hotel-quality stuff.
The orange juice and coffee combination sounds odd, but has been around for quite some time, and in Arizona, a cool cup of orange juice layered with a shot of espresso has become a popular item at cafes. Even in Italy, if you order an espresso, it will often be accompanied by an orange or lemon peel to "brighten" the coffee's flavor.
The orange adds a sweetness that contrasts with coffee's bitterness, which goes a long way towards masking too-bitter or flat-tasting cup. The combo is now so popular that you can find TikTok videos about creating a cup of coffee over ice with the perfect amount of OJ on top, and even a little tonic water to really make the drink pop.