Food - Drink
How Long Can You Store A Smoothie In The Fridge?
Who among us hasn't blended one smoothie, only to pour out about three or four servings? For times like those, you'll want to stash your leftovers in the fridge — but the question is, how long will they stay fresh there?
If you've got some leftover smoothie — or simply want to mix up your breakfast ahead of time — then feel free to store it in the refrigerator, but make sure to drink it within 48 hours. According to Raw Blend, an Australian purveyor of blenders, juicers, and dehydrators, that's the upper limit of how long a smoothie will stay fresh once refrigerated.
Raw Blend notes that the exact shelf life of a smoothie depends on the ingredients used, with those containing leafy greens better able to hold up longer than one day, as the chlorophyll in the greens will help keep the mix fresher. For other smoothies, they recommend drinking them within about a day.