Glass of cortado on wooden plate
Here's How To Use Your Nespresso Machine To Make A Cortado
BY Javaria Akbar
A cortado is an espresso topped with steamed milk. Unlike a flat white, which has quite a bit of milk froth and thus a thick texture, a cortado has very little foam and is smooth.
Still, it's easy to make a cortado with your Nespresso machine. To start, detach the removable coil on the whisk attachment sitting at the base of your Nespresso Aeroccino frother.
The frother won't whisk air bubbles into the milk while it heats, yielding smooth steamed milk without much foam. After adding the milk, press the button on the front.
The milk will warm up in 70-80 seconds, and meanwhile, you can make a double espresso in your Nespresso machine. Last, add the milk and the tiny bit of foam to the espresso.