Cloud egg and greens on toast
Go With Cheese To Add More Flavor To Cloud Eggs
To make fluffy "cloud" eggs, you whip egg whites and scoop them into circular piles on a baking sheet, then make small wells in the middle and bake them until set.
Finally, you add an egg yolk into each well and bake again for a truly unique egg dish. Still, cloud eggs can seem a bit plain to some eaters, which is where cheese comes in.
Grated cheese — be it Parmesan, Swiss, cheddar, or Gruyere — can turn simple cloud eggs into a gooey, delicious meal. All you have to do is add cheese to the whipped egg whites.
After mixing in the cheese, making sure not to deflate the whites, proceed with your recipe. The outcome will have a bolder flavor and melty texture that's even better with toast.