Traditional Frankfurter Green Sauce in sauciere
Food - Drink
Frankfurt, Germany's Unique Green Sauce Is Packed With Herbs
Different kinds of green sauces full of herbs can be found all over the world, from Argentina’s chimichurri to Italy’s salsa verde. Another popular green sauce is Grüne Soße from Frankfurt, Germany, a beloved creamy condiment that packs a fresh, intensely herbal punch, and is perfect for springtime and beyond.
Grüne Soße was likely a variety of a French or Italian green sauce before becoming a Frankfurt staple, and the sauce has even earned protected geographical indication (PGI) status in Germany. This means that genuine Frankfurter Grüne Soße must be made with seven specific herbs grown in a specific region of the city.
While you may not be able to taste authentic Grüne Soße outside of Frankfurt, you can still make it at home by using these herbs in equal parts: Parsley, cress, chives, borage, salad burnet, sorrel, and chervil. Blend them with yogurt, sour cream, or even mayonnaise for that creamy texture that makes this sauce unique.