Pouring a glass of whisky with ice, in a dark background.
Food - Drink
Everything You Need To Know About New World Whiskey
Unlike bourbon, scotch, and other whiskies, New World Whiskey is not held to any globalized standards or requirements, and is practically defined by breaking the rules of "Old World" whiskey. While a lack of rules opens up more options for alternative whiskies, the term can be quite confusing for drinkers, so this is a basic overview.
All whiskey is made by fermenting different types of grains, but New World Whiskey often focuses on the local terroir reflected in its grains. Reviving local, heirloom varieties of grains, changing the type of wood the spirit is aged in, and tinkering with ingredients, ratios, flavors, and alcohol content all can make a whiskey "New World."
Notable examples of these special whiskies include Australia's Starward single malt whiskey and French Malt Whisky Heritage, both of which are aged in distinct barrels. Each distillery takes its own approach, so comb through a country that intrigues you for distilleries making New World Whiskeys with flavor profiles you may enjoy.