Homemade Organic Coleslaw Salad with Cabbage and Carrots
Cheeseslaw Is The Australian Salad Mashup You Should Try
Cheeseslaw is a unique mashup dish from New South Wales, Australia. In the city of Broken Hill, you can find this versatile side dish at many diners and restaurants.
Cheeseslaw combines shredded cabbage, carrots, and other veggies with mayonnaise, spices, and cheese. Anything from cheddar or mozzarella to Swiss and blue cheese all work.
In its native area, cheeseslaw is served as a topping or side for savory grilled meats, burgers, sandwiches, and hotdogs, or as a dip for crackers and crunchy veggies.
Cheeseslaw has a more savory and sharp taste than regular coleslaw, and usually has a velvety rich texture from the cheese. Like coleslaw, it's also very customizable.
You can add heat with spices or jalapeño peppers, sprinkle in some chopped herbs for an aromatic undertone, or shake up the texture with crunchy nuts and chewy dried fruits.