Avoid These Mistakes When Using Your Keurig Machine
Using Pre-ground Pods
Coffee tastes better when made with freshly ground beans, as the increased air exposure — even in that secured coffee pod — zaps out distinct flavor notes.
It's hard to know how long the coffee has been sitting inside the pods, so for the truest flavor out of your K-Cups, buy small batches of whole bean coffee and grind them yourself.
Remove your used Keurig pods after each brew, as the leftovers tend to harbor mold, bacteria, and all of the yucky things you don't want in the next brew.
The coffee grounds hold on to that heat and moisture, which can encourage the microorganisms to take up refuge. Removing the pod also prevents any extra buildup in your machine.
You can purchase and use the Keurig descaling solution from its website for best results, but the exact process depends on the type of your machine and its frequency of use.
While this method might seem a little wasteful, this ensures the optimum brew. Plus, each K-cup can churn out 6 ounces of coffee so brew no more than that at a time.
Remove the pod holder, clean both the top and bottom needle of the machine, then rinse out the holder. Plus, run a quick flush of your machine and clean the collection tray weekly.