A profuse and unfaltering saltiness plagues the entire platter, hitting from every angle. The chalky gravy packs another sodium-filled punch and a few blows of strange smokiness.
If you find a location with the "homemade mac," don’t get your hopes up as it has a gloopy texture and indistinguishable flavor thanks to ultra-mild cheddar and basic seasonings.
Their All-American burger looks fine, but you’ll find the patty is overcooked and chewy while the overall dish lacks flavor without any seasonings or condiments.
As a 23-ounce, bone-in steak, the massive T-bone is susceptible to over- or under-cooking. Plus, it’s the only steak not hand-cut in-house and shipped in frozen.
In an effort to imbue flavor, the beans are served with partially cooked bacon bits and diced onion while the beans themselves are bland and tender to the point of disintegrating.