Traditional French bistro and pizzeria interior in Carmel, California
13 Dishes To Consider Avoiding At A French Bistro
Steak Tartare
Everything in steak tartare is raw, from the finely chopped steak to the yolk served on top. It's best to order it at a reputable restaurant to avoid getting sick.
This dish's 2007 namesake animated film made the meal look more substantial than it is. The peasant dish was made to satisfy hungry bellies with vegetables.
Ratatouille is a tasty dish but may not satisfy people with robust appetites. The appearance is underwhelming, as it will likely just be a bowl of vegetables, spices, and herbs.
The classic French sandwich jambon-beurre (ham-butter) requires fresh and premium ingredients, so if you get it at a bistro, it’s likely to be a cheap imitation.
When done right and with the right snail, escargot tastes incredible, but you're likely not getting that authentic version at a local French bistro.
The best escargot — the kind used in the most high-class restaurants in France — is imported from the vineyards of Burgundy at the beginning of the winter months.
Frog Legs
Frog legs commonly show up on high-class bistro menus and are well-received, but the dish is putting frog populations at risk, so it may be best to avoid ordering them.