Bunny Trail Punch (An Easter Mocktail) Recipe
Prep Time:
Cook Time:
  • 2 giant marshmallows
  • 1 small pink marshmallow
  • 1 small white marshmallow
  • 1 lime, cut into wedges
  • 1 edible food pen
  • 4 ounces carrot juice, chilled
  • 4 ounces ginger ale, chilled
  1. Make the marshmallow bunny: Use one giant marshmallow as the body of the bunny.
  2. Cut the other giant white marshmallow into quarters diagonally to create elongated ear shapes.
  3. Cut off the bottom of each ear to expose the sticky middle, which will help the ears adhere.
  4. Attach the sticky side of two ear-shaped marshmallows to the top of the giant marshmallow to form the ears.
  5. Cut off the bottom of a small pink marshmallow and use one piece for the nose. Attach it to the center of the giant marshmallow where the face would be, using some lime juice from the wedges to make the nose stick.
  6. Use the edible food pen to draw on the eyes just above the nose and just under the mouth.
  7. Use toothpicks or small skewers to help secure the parts of the bunny, if needed. Be sure to remove these before serving the mocktail or consuming the garnish.
  8. Make the mocktail: Fill a glass with ice cubes.
  9. Pour the chilled carrot juice over the ice.
  10. Top off with ginger ale.
  11. Squeeze a lime wedge over the drink and drop it into the glass.
  12. Carefully place the marshmallow bunny on the rim of the glass, using a cocktail pick to stabilize it, if needed.
  13. Serve the bunny trail mocktail with a straw.